
Welcome New Grade 5 Students and Parents - GO TO __GRADE5PARENTS.RTMS.CA__TO SEE THIS PRESENTATION


Day at a Glance

8:13 - 2:25

7/40 minute periods, 1 homeroom period.

Thompson Time

Math and Language every day

Lunch - 1 hour

Extracurricular before, lunch, and after school


Ruth's Restaurant



Drop Off

Kiss n Ride


Medical Concerns

Complete office form


School website, class websites, Google Classroom, student portfolio websites, Google Calendar, Daily Announcements, Gmail, Synervoice, agendas, phone, face to face...

Coming up...new online student handbook/agenda and virtual 360 tour

Students can use own phone to text call parents before, lunch, and after school - NOT DURING CLASSES

ESL Program

Learning to use a language means, among other things, “learning to use a language to socialize, to learn, to query, to make believe and to wonder.”

speak, read/write in another language (L1)

starting to acquire academic English skills

5-7 year English proficiency journey

provided in many different FLUID ways

Integrated Technology

Google Apps, Gmail, Websites, + + +

Free Universal Applications

6 computer labs + take out/home

Devices? Yes please, but not necessary


Student Opportunities:

Board of Trustees, Art Council, Athletic Council, Tech Team, Green Team, Student Ambassadors, Library Leaders, Riptide TV...

Sports teams, Band, Vocal, Thunder, Stage, Jazz, Paparazzi, VR, Movie Makers, Coders, Chess, Science and Math,...


Health and Wellness


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Created with images by SubvertAParadigm - "5/365" • Hans - "first aid kit help association case"

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